anne niemetz | project archive
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Anne offered a workshop at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd as part of the International Seminar week titled "From Conscious Listening to Soundscape Creation", May 2024.            
Wake Up, 1-second video presented at the One-Off Moving Image Festival November 10 - 20, 2023 and The Wrong Biennale November 1, 2023 to March 1, 2024.            
Audio/Video channel featuring sound tracks and music videos by the students in the Audio Visual Space course at the School of Design. 2019 onwards.            
2019 video documentations for the David Bermant kinetic art collection: Wen Ying Tsai - Dancing Menorah #1 1975, Phyllis Mark - Speed Interval 1978
2018 video documentations: Julio Le Park - Continual Mobile 1969, Ceiling Lights Sculpture 1975, Alan Rath - Roto I 2008, Earl Reiback - Lumia 1967, Ted Victoria - Think About It 1991
Sleep Leap, single channel video, 25 frames. Featured at the Leap Second Festival, 31.Dec 2016 23:59:60 (UTC) to 1. Jan 00:00:00            
The David Bermant Collection Video Documentations: DVD including a tour of the collection, as well as documentation videos of 66 kinetic art works. 2009            
Void/Light: video 11/2007            
The Rainforest: documentation video of installation by Los Angeles based artist Dustin Shuler. 2006            
Pistil Reform: my L.A. rock band. 2004-05            
Reform Pistol + Sound Belt: wearable and experimental music instruments. 2003-05    video showreel compilation 1998-2002            
Mood Swings: sound design for Victoria Vesna's installation. 2005            
NANO Mandala: sound design for Victoria Vesna's installation. 2004-05            
NANO: sound design for the exhibition. 2003-04            
JetSet: audio track. Collaboration with Brandon Mitchell and Miyo Ashikita. 2004            
Hommage à Max Ernst: video. 2003/2006            
Curing homesickness with situationism: video. 2002            
Rumours: video documentation of the event. 2001            
Sylphen: video for an experimental music project. 2001            
Tracking: album release-party video. 2001            
R111: video trailer for the installation R111 by Supreme Particles. 2000            
Kurz und Bündig: video. 1997/2000            
EinzellAdern: video. 1998            
Eytna's performances: demo videos for UV-light and fire performer Eytna. 1996-99            
Von der Begegnung mit Eris in 5 Mutationen: video. 1998            
Toner Low: band project at HfG. 1996-97            
Evolution: demo video for the percussionist Christian Auer. 1997          
Monum: music video. 1996          
You better save your life: trashy music clip for the band Disconnect :-) 1996          
My first punk band: Peal Squid (on myspace) 1990-94